The last picture is of the yummy gluten free food I got for Christmas from my brother and his wife, with the exception of the M&Ms. I got the m&ms from my mom. Pamela's mixes are wonderful! We're having gluten free brownies for New Years! I've already eaten an energy bar and most of the shortbread cookies. I'm also halfway through the Cherry Brownie. All these goodies aren't going to last very long. Thanks Grant and Juri!
Now to get
I want to wish you and your family a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!
What a wonderful gift of goodies you got there. I don't think I've ever tasted gluten free products before but I must say that they do look delicious.
Love the prints on your new grocery bags. How are they working out for you at the grocery store? I usually do a huge wagon load of shopping at a time as I hate going to the market. I'm probably going to need a boat load of bags if I ever decide to change my ways and go green.
Thank you Letty, I hope your year is going well. The gf goodies were delicious. The bags work well. I have about 10 of them, maybe more.
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